This facility is located adjacent to the Missouri River. The course sand subgrade and ground water under the influence of the river proved challenging for dewatering large, deep excavations. The expanded 20 acre site included import of temporary material for surcharging the area before construction. Rather than import and then export these materials, Goodwin Brothers devised a sequenced plan to obtain surcharging while maintaining a balanced site.

This project included construction of new Low Lift Pump Station, Aeration Basins, Blower Building, six Final Clarifiers, a Sludge Pumping Station, a Solids Handling Building, an ultraviolet radiation disinfection facility, a new primary digester, demolition of existing buildings, trickling filters and final clarifiers, new plant road system, new site grading and other miscellaneous items including installing yard piping and structures associated with this work.
Installation of the new 78″ Primary Effluent line required extensive shoring to protect operating Trickling Filters, Plant Effluent Line, Effluent and Plant Water Pump Stations with no interruptions to operations. In addition, construction of the new Digester 5 required working directly adjacent to and exposing underground portions of 2 operating Digesters. The potential exposure to methane gas required added safety measures to ensure plant and construction personnel safety.

Simultaneously converting this facility to an activated sludge facility and from BFP to centrifuge sludge dewatering was an impressive achievement by the entire construction team. Hammering this effort was the switchover of the facilities was scheduled during the coldest part of the year and around the Christmas holiday. Despite these challenges the facility transitioned to the new systems very successfully.